Whether you plan to participate as an individual or within a troop, Frontier Girls has a structure that will suit your needs. Age levels range from preschool through adult and the program is set up specifically for multiple ages to work together.
Join a Troop
A troop formation is the most popular method of participating in Frontier Girls youth program. Groups of anywhere from two to thirty or more girls may form a “Troop” with one leader, and one or more assistant or co-leaders. Girls attend routine meetings, working on badges, activities and service projects as a team.
With today’s busy schedules it is difficult to get children to the many activities they wish to pursue. For this reason, girls from preschool through high school can all be part of the same Frontier Girls troop. This allows families with more than one girl to be part of a single troop so as not to add even more stress to the family schedule. This also allows older girls to act in leadership roles to teach and mentor the younger members, while providing the younger girls with role models closer to their own age.
All troops are individually owned and operated. Frontier Girls cannot guarantee troop placement. Leaders may cap their troop at any number they wish and accept or decline any age level. Some of our troops are large and multi-level, others are quite small and single level.
To find a Troop in your area, visit our Troop Location page. If there is no active troop in your area, feel free to contact us regarding starting one of your own!
Be a Pioneer
Our Pioneer Program is designed for girls who are either unable to find a troop or simply prefer to operate as an individual. Parents act as their daughter’s leader and are invited to join our Facebook Forum for support and ideas.
Are you a Patriot?
The Frontier Girls Patriot Program is designed to honor the daughters and families of our military men and women. These girls and their entire families make many sacrifices so that the rest of us can enjoy the freedoms that so many of our men and women have fought to protect for more than 200 years. Girls with parents or siblings (including step parents and step siblings) in military service may wear the service flag pin as well as a special red/white/blue ribbon down the center of their level tab.
Leaders and volunteers with spouses, parents, children, or grandchildren in military service may also wear the service flag pin. Girls and parents who have direct family members who are veterans may wear the veteran flag pin on their uniform.
Because many military families move frequently, it can be difficult for them to join a traditional troop (although they are more than welcome to.) All girls of military families that are operating as individuals are invited to join a special worldwide troop just for them. Our Patriot troop #911 has no official leader and each parent or guardian acts as the leader for their own daughter. When they move to a new area, they can find out if there are any other Patriots around that they can get together with by simply posting on our Facebook Forum.
If a Patriot wishes to join a traditional troop, she is encouraged to do so. She will wear her regular troop numerals along with the Patriot ribbon and pin in addition to her regular uniform.
Quest Clubs
After several requests to earn badges were received from brothers of our members, we decided to open a second program for those who could not join Frontier Girls. Quest Clubs uses all the badges and awards from Frontier Girls and allows groups to create their own scouting style club. Quest Clubs can be all boys, all girls, or co-ed. There are no membership requirements, no promise to recite, no mandatory uniforms, and no mandatory requirements or policies. You may use Quest to design a scouting style program that suits your own needs and beliefs. While Quest does not require a uniform, we do offer vests in 17 different colors so that you can design a uniform of your choice. Many of our Frontier Girls troops now partner with a Quest Club and meet as a co-ed group.
For some families, Frontier Girls may not be a perfect fit. If you do not agree with our promise and creed, or are looking for a co-ed option, Quest Clubs might be the perfect answer for you.
Anyone with a Frontier Girls Family Membership receives a free Family Membership to Quest Clubs as well.
You can view Quest Clubs at https://curiosityuntamed.com/clubs/
Other Scouting Groups
Frontier Girls honors the badge requirements of all other age appropriate scout groups. If a girl wishes to work on Boy Scout badges with her brother, she can use his requirements to earn a badge through Frontier Girls even if we already have our own requirements written. Several Frontier Girls troops are partnered directly with local Cub Scout or Boy Scout groups and they all meet together, sometimes working together on the same badge or activity, and sometimes as separate groups. Many of our members also hold dual memberships with Girl Scouts. While you may not wear a Frontier Girls badge on a BSA or Girl Scout uniform, you may use Girl Scout requirements (even the discontinued badges) to earn a Frontier Girls badge to wear on your Frontier Girls uniform. If we do not already have a badge designed for the subject of your choice, just request a custom badge and we will have it ready to ship within the week.