August 2020
A Note From the Founder…Name Change
Kerry Cordy
I just wanted to give everyone a heads up as receipts and such for payments will soon come under the name, Curiosity Untamed LLC. While Frontier Girls was the founding program back in 2007 that started everything, it has grown and expanded past the simple scouting style program for girls I originally designed. Quest Clubs spun off in 2010 as a co-ed, more flexible way to create scouting style clubs for kids. Over the years, people have started using the Quest Club program in a wide variety of ways I never anticipated however. Not only is it now commonly used to support or create homeschool curriculum, but public schools use it for both afterschool programs and in class incentives. Churches use our character badges as part of their Sunday School curriculum and even senior citizen centers have started using it to keep seniors active and engaged. As a result, “Clubs” are no longer our main focus and I am re-branding to reflect that.
Curiosity Untamed LLC is now the umbrella company and both Frontier Girls and Quest Clubs are brands owned within it. Nothing regarding the Frontier Girls website or program will be changing other than the name within the terms and conditions and possibly your payment receipts. Brand specific resources such as handbooks, forms, etc. will remain on the FG website in the Members Only section. General resources such as badge requirement ideas, ceremonies, songs, crafts, etc. will all be on the Curiosity Untamed website so that they can be used by all three programs. Please be patient while we update all the websites. If you need anything always feel free to email or call me. As soon as the Curiosity Untamed website is complete and ready to go, I will notify everyone so that you can start using it to support the Frontier Girls program.
Thanks for all your patience over the last 2 years as we make changes and go through a few growing pains. The good news is that things are finally coming together!
Summer is a great time to earn service hours!
Assisted living centers for senior citizens and hospitals across the country have had to go on lock down for the safety of their residents and patients, which is better for their physical health, but has left a lot of people feeling more alone in a stressful time. If your child is restless and looking for some way to do good when it feels like all we can do is sit at home, here are some of the organizations that would love a little support and encouragement — from a distance! You can send your cards to these homes across the country or drop cards off to your local assisted living care facilities.
Vibrant Living Director, at 1 Symmes Road, Arlington, Massachusetts, 02474
The Jewish Pavilion, 421 Montgomery Road, Suite 131 Altamonte Springs, Florida, 32714
Country Meadows of Bethlehem, Attention: Lynn Somers, 4011 Green Pond Road, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 18020
Home Again Assisted Living Facility 308 England Street, Cambridge, Wisconsin, 53523 or
Home Again Assisted Living Facility 1120 Connery Cove, Waunakee, Wisconsin, 53597
Jessica Williams and her girls are one of our many Pioneer families through Frontier Girls. This month they worked on their service project, making cards and warm fuzzies to mail to nursing homes in their area. Way to go Williams family! We just love these cute warm fuzzies and your beautiful cards. What a great way to make someone smile and feel loved during this time!
New Badge Posted

Troop 193 found a way to meet again!
Troop 193 from Pennsylvania came up with a creative way to continue troop meetings during the Covid-19 restrictions. Yahoo!!! Troop leader, Jenn Nankivell, said that their county in PA moved to a less restrictive phase in mid June. Their troop was lucky enough to have access to a local park for the summer months. By dividing the girls up they had enough room to social distance during the meetings.
They allowed family groups to sit together and individual girls sat one per picnic table. They made sure that any leader walking around to help wore their mask. They also had individual work boxes for each girl with pencils, crayons, scissors, and other supplies so they would not have to share. The girls wore masks when they couldn’t distance and they had ample hand sanitizer available. It seemed to work out well and the girls were happy to be together again. Well done Troop 193!!
Frontier Girls Paper Dolls!
We are so excited to see our Frontier Girl uniform (at EVERY level) now available in printable clothes for paper dolls. This would be a great time to work on the Paper Doll badge. The Making Friends website recently added Frontier Girl uniforms to their free printables for their paper dolls. Click HERE to get the FREE Printable for your girls.
Making Friends is also home of Badge in a Bag. We are not affiliated with this company but we highly recommend you look into their Badge in Bag options. The Beginner First Aid Badge in a Bag they offer fits perfectly with the requirements for our First Aid Badge. They also have some amazing ideas to help support various character badges.
Girls of the Month: Alyssa, Caroline and Vivian – Pioneers
Alyssa, Caroline, and Vivian (starting from the left) Pioneers from Michigan, all moved from Penguins to Otters to in July. In finishing up their time as Penguins, the each completed their Penguin Gem Awards! They put in a lot of work for little Frontier Girls! Congrats girls!
Zoom Meetings for All 18+ Members

Amanda Kavanagh one of our adult members has been hosting Zoom meetings for our 18 and over members to get to know one and other and work on badges together. The next meeting will be on August 12th at 3 PM PST/4 PM MST/5 PM CST/6 PM EST. If you are interested in joining in, you can contact Amanda through the Frontier Girls forum or email with permission to share your contact information and she will forward to Amanda so she can contact you.
Last month the group earned the Canadian Culture Badge in honor of Canada Day. They learned about Canadian food like butter tarts, about Canadian entertainment, did Canadian crafts, learned a Canadian song and more. Join them and make some long distance friends!