A Note From the Founder – Frontier Girls Website is Merging with Curiosity Untamed

Please don’t let the headline panic you! Frontier Girls is not going anywhere. It is my baby and the basis for everything I do. That said, the pandemic was catastrophic for my business. In an effort to consolidate and save time and money, I am in the process of merging all programs under the umbrella of Curiosity Untamed. When I am done, the frontiergirls.com website will simply redirect to a branded section of the Curiosity Untamed website. My goal is to have this done by October.
The only place you should notice a difference will be when you view badges as they will only be posted once for all programs. As a result they will list level numbers instead of animals. I will make sure Frontier Girls quick reference sheets are easily available so members know which level their animal is associated with.
The advantages to this merge will be that for families who use both Quest and Frontier Girls, you can stay on the same website while earning badge. All resources will also be in one location so you don’t have to hop between the CU website and the FG one anymore. You will also be able to order all items from one store rather than splitting them up between Quest and Frontier Girls. If all goes well, I will hopefully be adding a badge tracking system directly on the website as well. That is still in discovery mode, but it is looking promising.
If anyone has any suggestions or concerns regarding this merge, please feel free to email me. I want this to be a beneficial change for all involved.
Kerry Cordy
New Badges Posted
911 Emergency and Costume Making
Badge of the week for August
Follow the Curiosity Untamed blog posts for resources for earning a different badge each week. These posts are also a great resource for busy Frontier Girls leaders who need some help planning meetings.

Frontier Girls Member Becomes a Published Author
by Kerry Cordy
Congratulations to Cassi Jensen, one of our Owls, who just became a published author! In June she posted the following in our forum,
“The career exploration award has saved my can this year as I’ve been working through getting my first novel on market! I highly recommend all Owls and Eagles do the award. As I had no idea what the process for self marketing or self publishing was and how to avoid vanity publishing scams! (I had a very basic idea) I was able to track down a company from the skills and network of sources I found while completing this award! Along with finding my illustrator. This award has been the most practical award I’ve earned in the last year. I was able to learn how to create pre order sales and everything in between such as a business card!”
I got my copy of The Children of Cominon in mid July and plowed right through it. It is a highly entertaining and easy read and I can’t wait for the sequel to be written. The characters are engaging and the magic system of the story is unique. The fantasy genre is right up my alley. If you or your Butterflies or Eagles are looking for a new book, check it out!
Yes, this is a shameless plug for the book, but I am so proud!! If you are interested in getting a copy it can be purchased on the Barnes and Nobles website. (No, I do not get a commission.)

Frontier Girls Troop 109 Reaches Super Troop Status for the 14th time!
Troop 109, a combined Quest Club and Frontier Girls troop, has once again earned Super Troop status, recognizing that the Troop goes above and beyond in the annual program it offers to students. Congratulations to Troop Leader Sylvia Duke! Many thanks the Rotary Club of Big Sandy and the City of Big Sandy for their support of the Troop’s activities.
Over the past year the Troop participated in seven service projects including making Star Appreciation Packets for the East Texas Patriot Guard Riders and making hanging floral baskets for Downtown Big Sandy. As a Troop they earned eight merit badges: Etiquette, World Flags, Fundraising, My Troop, Origami, Japanese Culture, Gift Giving and Sea Shells. They have also enjoyed a Troop Tea Party, Cook Out, Hike and Picnic.
At their end of year Awards Meeting a total of 270 merit badges were awarded to Troop members including those earned by students at home. Servant’s Hearts awarded to students for volunteer service to the community this year totaled 335 hours. In addition to badge work and community service, many of the troop members put in the extra effort to earn a variety of higher awards this year as well.
- Discovery Award – 7 members
- Life Skills Award – 4 members
- Fruit of the Spirit Award – 6 members
- Make a Difference Award – 1 member (Hannah received her Make a Difference Award at Otter Level, for organizing and leading a community service project making seasonal crafts for the Winona Senior Apartments.)
- Major Awards – 2 members
- Leadership Award – 2 members
Two troop members, Collene and Caroline, were also presented with their WOW! and Gem Awards, the highest awards available at any age level.