Join Us!
Frontier Girls is a scout like curriculum for girls offered by Curiosity Untamed LLC designed for individuals and organizations to use as part of their youth programming. Our youth program for girls promotes community service, life skills, character building and leadership. With nine Areas of Discovery, our badges cover everything from outdoor skills like camping and kayaking to character traits like responsibility and teamwork. Whether a girl is looking to expand her life skills, explore a passion for science, make beautiful music or travel the world, we have what she is looking for.
Our Program
PROGRAM OVERVIEW PROGRAM GOALS LIFE SKILLS Thousands of badges in nine Areas of Discovery, including the outdoors, encourage lifelong learning and allow girls to learn a multitude of life skills in any area that interests them. Higher awards, such as
About Us
About Frontier Girls – Who Are We? Raising Women of Honor to Be the Leaders of the Future. Welcome to Frontier Girls, a community founded in 2007 by Kerry Cordy, providing a scout-like program for girls and adults of all
Thousands of Possibilities! Frontier Girls has made a commitment to write a badge for just about anything a girl wishes to learn about. There are thousands of badges to choose from and more are added every month. All badges are
Program Options
Whether you plan to participate as an individual or within a troop, Frontier Girls has a structure that will suit your needs. Age levels range from preschool through adult and the program is set up specifically for multiple ages to
Thousands of Badges to Choose From!

Start a Troop!
Interested in starting a Frontier Girls troop? Have Questions? Click here for a step by step guide to getting your troop up and running.

Individual Membership
- License for one girl/woman to use the Frontier Girls name and uniform and content materials
- Access to all badge and award requirements
- Girl/Parent online handbook and resources
- One free membership pin (must be ordered through the store)
Family Membership
- License for all girls/women in a single household to use the Frontier Girls name and uniform and content materials
- Access to all badge and award requirements
- Girl/Parent online handbook and resources
- Two free membership pins (must be ordered through the store)
Troop Membership
- License to run a single Frontier Girls troop (all participants must purchase either an individual or family membership)
- Access to all badge and award requirements
- Online leader handbook and resources
- Free Quest Club membership upon request and free access to Curiosity Untamed upon request
Frequently Asked Questions
Love the friendships of all different aged girls!
We love the freedom and fun of earning badges how and when we want to. With so many to choose from, the girls can pick almost anything!!
I love the huge array of interesting badges and higher level awards that my daughter can earn, as a homeschooling family we often do Frontier girls activities and badgework in addition to what she does with her troop.
I love the growth I see in my kids and in myself. I love Frontier Girls! My favorite of all our awards is the Life Skills! So grateful to be a part of this organization.