October, 2020 A Note From the Founder – Troop Updates by Kerry Cordy It is fall once again and a new school year has begun. Unlike past years, many of our troops have lost their meeting locations thanks to COVID
October 2020 Newsletter

October, 2020 A Note From the Founder – Troop Updates by Kerry Cordy It is fall once again and a new school year has begun. Unlike past years, many of our troops have lost their meeting locations thanks to COVID
September 2020 by Kerry Cordy A Note From the Founder – Badge of the Week Is Back! With school starting up again, we are starting our Badge of the Week posts once again. If you have not followed
July 2020 A Note From the Founder – A COVID 19 Summer by Kerry Cordy Well, this summer is going to look a bit different for most people. I don’t know what things look like in your
June 2020 A Note From the Founder – Crazy Times Kerry Cordy These are some crazy times we are living through right now and I just want to thank all of our members for all the support they
May 2020 A Note From the Founder – Virtual Meetings by Kerry Cordy Thanks to the COVID 19 virus, it looks like many troops will not be able to meet in person for the foreseeable future. As a
March 2020 Newsletter A Note From the Founder – Bright Idea Award Presented to Brenda Barrington by Kerry Cordy I am super excited to introduce the leader of our new troop #543 in South Carolina, Brenda Barrington. Brenda just started
A Note From the Founder – Frontier Girl of the Month Nominations by Kerry Cordy As a brand new decade begins, we would like to start highlighting Frontier Girls and their accomplishments on a more regular basis, but we
December 2019 A Note From the Founder – I Think in Badges by Kerry Cordy There is an expression in Frontier Girls, “I think in badges.” For those who have been using the program for awhile, you may be
Issue #94 – November 2019 A Note from the Founder – California Chaos Continues by Kerry Cordy I feel like the last year has been nothing but me apologizing for communication delays first due to moving our offices,
Issue #93 – October 2019 A Note From the Founder – New Website Up and Running by Kerry Cordy Last June our website experienced a catastrophic crash that we were never quite able to recover from. As a